Sunday Worship
LL 2024 Summer ToP banner

Join us in church or online at 10am for our service of Holy Communion
Welcome to the summer holidays! Today we start our summer series: Encountering Christ. The bible passage is Luke 2:22-28 and Joy Mawdesley is preaching on 'An early Encounter'.
We are all in church together as children's and youth groups take a break. There will be activity booklets for primary aged children, and busy bags for younger ones. There is also a diy crèche (stay with your children) in the upper hall - please ask a welcomer for directions.
Click here to join us via the livestream.  Click here for the service sheet.

The Six meets at 6pm in the church hall 
This evening we have our Prayer Walk Service. This is a great event where we go out in small teams across the town to pray for our community. Don't miss the opportunity to be encouraged and inspired. We start and end with worship as usual in the church hall, then go out to pray. There's the option to stay back at St Nic's and pray if you prefer.  Please join us as we pray for Newbury.

Click here for details of our summer services.

For previous livestreams click here.