

Join us on the journey

Whether you are young or old, single or married, new to faith, an 'old-timer' or just looking, men@st-nics is here to support all men become active followers of Jesus Christ. Through social events, service within the local community and other planned activities, we seek to live out our faith in relevant and practical ways.

bacon and eggs

Men's Breakfasts

The Men's Breakfast is a firm favourite that we hold roughly every three months - it wouldn't do to have too much of a good thing!  We start from 8.30am and usually have a good fry-up, followed by an interesting talk/interview on the subject of faith in the 21st century.

Ready for another gut-busting breakfast?  Put Saturday 13 July in your diary! Our guest speaker is John Roe from the Railway Mission, a charity providing chaplaincy services to the railway industry. John’s area covers London and the Southwest – including Newbury – providing welfare, well-being and spiritual support to all railway workers, and the British Transport Police.

Click here to sign up. Father's, do bring your sons but please sign them up too.


men event

DNA Groups

If you're interested in joining a Discipleship, Nurturing and Accountability (DNA) small group, or just finding out more, please contact the church office